Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Ultimate Fighting Chick Meme

This pretty much kicks ass! But would have been an awesome chick meme if Ellen Ripley from Aliens were included. I mean she would have taken on Sarah Connor anyday.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I also seriously think that Bella is out of place here. I mean, I read the whole Twilight series and she does nothing but beg for Edward’s affections. She’s whiny, emotional, weak, and kinda stupid. She definitely is the perfect example of a female who needs a man to survive. You even said this in your description that Bella curled up and jumped off a cliff after her man left. Why is she even in the picture???

  3. Fighting girls definitely rock! I love the way females fight and I love strong girls such as these. I have always been a fan of the fighting chick genre since I think that it's way cooler than a typical guy hero. Part of what makes a fighting chick enjoyable is that you don't really expect them to bahave that way. Girls are seen to be sweet sensitive creatures, so when you see them holding guns and fighting off monsters, you just have to clap. Totally cool!
